How an Italian, Toni Montesanti, became the visionary behind Bali’s padel boom
When Toni Montesanti talks about his journey to Bali and his love for padel, you can hear the passion in his voice. But what makes his story even more compelling is that it’s all happened in such a...

From Golden Boy to Bali’s Comedy Pioneer: The Journey of Chris Giacobbe
Chris Giacobbe’s journey is far from the typical tale of a comedian chasing a dream to make people laugh. Instead,...

Vino Assaad: Mantan Kontestan Master Chef Season 5 Yang Tak Cuma Piawai Masak
Acara kompetisi masak terkenal Master Chef Indonesia season 5 sudah berakhir, namun bagi pengikut setia tayangan ini,...

Mengenal Lebih Dekat Liana Tasno, Sosok Cantik Di Balik Industri Olahraga Indonesia
Jika Anda penyimak dunia olahraga khususnya sepak bola berikut perkembangan PSSI, tentu sudah tak asing dengan nama...

Berpikir Positif Dan Berdamai Dengan Diri Sendiri Ala Meira Anastasia
Meira Anastasia adalah istri komedian dan sutradara Ernest Prakasa, yang juga turut menyutradarai film Milly & Mamet...